Source code for pymws.reports

from .utils import flatten_list

[docs]class Reports(object): """ Implements a report client for Amazon MWS. The report API works differently from other APIs and it is important to have a good understanding of how this API works from `MWS reports overview <>`__ """ # noqa: E501 VERSION = '2009-01-01' URI = '/Reports/' + VERSION def __init__(self, client): self.client = client
[docs] def request_report(self, **kwargs): """ Creates a report request and submits the request to Amazon MWS. Amazon MWS processes the report request and when the report is completed, sets the status of the report request to _DONE_. Reports are retained for 90 days. `Learn more <Read more:>`__ """ # noqa: E501 flatten_list(kwargs, 'MarketplaceIdList', 'Id') return 'RequestReport', self.URI, kwargs, self.VERSION )
[docs] def get_report_request_list(self, **kwargs): """ Returns a list of report requests that you can use to get the ReportRequestId for a report. `Learn more <>`__ """ # noqa: E501 flatten_list(kwargs, 'ReportTypeList', 'Type') flatten_list(kwargs, 'ReportRequestIdList', 'Id') flatten_list(kwargs, 'ReportProcessingStatusList', 'Status') return self.client.get( 'GetReportRequestList', self.URI, kwargs, self.VERSION )
[docs] def get_report_request_list_by_next_token(self, NextToken): """ Returns a list of report requests using the NextToken, which was supplied by a previous request to either GetReportRequestListByNextToken or GetReportRequestList, where the value of HasNext was true in that previous request. `Learn more <>`__ """ # noqa: E501 return self.client.get( 'GetReportRequestListByNextToken', self.URI, {'NextToken': NextToken}, self.VERSION )
[docs] def get_report_request_count(self, **kwargs): """ Returns a count of report requests that have been submitted to Amazon MWS for processing. `Learn more <>`__ """ # noqa: E501 return self.client.get( 'GetReportRequestCount', self.URI, kwargs, self.VERSION )
[docs] def cancel_report_request(self, **kwargs): """ Cancels one or more report requests. `Learn more <>`__ """ # noqa: E501 return 'CancelReportRequests', self.URI, kwargs, self.VERSION )
[docs] def get_report_list(self, **kwargs): """ Returns a list of reports that were created in the previous 90 days. `Learn more <>`__ """ # noqa: E501 flatten_list(kwargs, 'ReportTypeList', 'Type') flatten_list(kwargs, 'ReportRequestIdList', 'Id') flatten_list(kwargs, 'MarketplaceIdList', 'Id') return self.client.get( 'GetReportList', self.URI, kwargs, self.VERSION )
[docs] def get_report_list_by_next_token(self, NextToken): """ Returns a list of reports using the NextToken, which was supplied by a previous request to either GetReportListByNextToken or GetReportList, where the value of HasNext was true in the previous call. `Learn more <>`__ """ # noqa: E501 return self.client.get( 'GetReportListByNextToken', self.URI, {'NextToken': NextToken}, self.VERSION )
[docs] def get_report_count(self, **kwargs): """ Returns a count of the reports, created in the previous 90 days, with a status of _DONE_ and that are available for download. `Learn more <>`__ """ # noqa: E501 return self.client.get( 'GetReportCount', self.URI, kwargs, self.VERSION )
[docs] def get_report(self, ReportId): """ Returns the contents of a report and the Content-MD5 header for the returned report body. `Learn more <>`__ """ # noqa: E501 return self.client.get( 'GetReport', self.URI, {'ReportId': ReportId}, self.VERSION )